臺灣EBM Technologies Incorporated
(EBM Technologies Incorporated)成立于1988年, 主要致力于醫療影像系統之專業研發,營銷及建設。總公司位于臺北市內湖科技園區內, 員工人數約70人。本公司為臺灣醫療影像軟件之研發先驅, 成功的結合日本,臺灣,中國等三地之精英, 投入PACS產品自由技術的開發,透過長期與國外知名之醫療儀器大廠等配合開發DICOM影像軟件功能, 同步取得市場最新之發展趨勢, 持續地與國際接軌。主要產品包括醫療影像儲存與傳輸系統(PACS), 放射科信息管理系統(RIS), 數字文件管理系統 (DDC)及生理檢查影像報告系統等。
自1988年成立以來, EBM在醫療影像信息領域上一直努力不懈, 并獲得不少成果, 其主要原因是EBM在宏觀的企業愿景下, 除了提供先進的技術之外, 也能隨著市場與客戶的變化而不斷的調整更新, 時時都能滿足瞬息萬變的需求并獲得各顧客的認同。二十年以來, EBM一步一腳印穩健踏實的精神, 奠定未來企業良好的發展基礎。
With over 20 years of experience in Healthcare Information Technology, EBM has successfully focused its strategy on being an innovative leader in medical information management systems and has consistently demonstrated our ability to develop new web-based technologies and to deliver the most powerful and progressive customizable diagnostic tools to a wide range of medical practices including acute care healthcare institutions, integrated delivery networks and radiology imaging and breast centers. EBM has an installed base of over 5,500 licenses of UniSight?(diagnostic and reviewing stations), 600 licenses of UniWeb?(online PACS), 500 licenses of UniServer?(storage & utility server), operated by more than 1,000 hospitals and imaging centers worldwide.
Incorporated in 1988, EBM has evolved from a small dedicated group of specialist engineers to an international company that employs over 250 research, development, compliance, marketing, sales, support, and management professionals. Dedicated employees, visionary leadership, combined with a large and loyal user base plus a worldwide network of valued integration partners, have helped EBM to create some of the leading solutions for healthcare management.
We have focused our efforts on bringing together the best technologies, ideas, processes and practices to affect patient care and enable the next generation of digital management breakthroughs. EBM's background is marked by our dedication to healthcare professionals' needs to solve the complex problems of both mature and emerging practices. Our mission is to provide doctors with customized flexible software solutions in the workplace so they can realize dramatic results in cost savings, higher efficiency and above all improved patient care.
EBM's solutions help doctors focus on the patient, and our strong foundation, continuous development and large market share support us to continue providing innovative solutions to healthcare providers.