芬蘭Orion Diagnostica
Orion Corporation 是芬蘭健康護理業的主導者,成立于1917年,為芬蘭赫爾辛基證券交易所的上市公司。共有5個集團子公司組成:Orion Pharma(專業于制藥業);Orion Diagnostica(專業于醫學診斷產品和衛生測試產品的研制與開發);Oriola(專業于健康護理產品的批發及銷售);Noiro(專業于化妝品、個人及家居護理產品的研制和開發);Normet(專業于工程設備制造業)。Orion Corporation 正力爭在歐洲的藥品及診斷市場上占據重要席位,并致力于開拓國際性銷售的專業產品市場。
The desire for good health is universal. When illness enters our lives, we turn to our health-care provider for advice and care. We want a quick and firm diagnosis and the best possible treatment. Orion Diagnostica's diagnostic tests help health-care professionals by providing evidence-based support for clinical decision-making.
Orion Diagnostica specialises in diagnostic tests, test systems and hygiene monitoring tests.
We provide doctors' offices, clinical laboratories and health-care centres with the tools to make an evidence-based diagnosis, to choose appropriate medication and to monitor patient response to therapy. Our focus is on products for primary health care that enable consultation, testing and treatment decisions to be completed during a single patient visit. In addition, we serve large clinical laboratories which perform high-volume analyses. Our product range comprises diagnostic tests for the detection of infectious diseases and disorders of bone and soft-tissue metabolism, as well as specific protein and hormone assays.
Orion Diagnostica's hygiene monitoring tests allow industrial enterprises, institutions and authorities to detect contamination by micro-organisms or product residues and to monitor the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection routines at sites with strict hygiene requirements.
Orion Diagnostica's flagship is QuikRead, a point-of-care system for measurement of C-reactive protein on a fingerstick blood sample. The system also includes tests for detection of Strep A, measurement of microalbuminuria as well as detection of faecal occult blood.
Our products are sold worldwide through subsidiaries, sales offices and a distributor network covering more than 60 countries.
Orion Diagnostica is part of Orion Group, the leading health-care company in Finland, which develops, manufactures and markets pharmaceuticals, active pharmaceutical ingredients and diagnostic tests for global markets. With a 90-year history, Orion is committed to enhancing quality of care and building well-being in the community.