美國Affinity Biosensors
美國麻省理工學院(MIT)的世界頂級傳感器大師Scott Manalis教授開創性的微通道諧振器微機電系統(MEMS),首次實現精確測量fg(10-15 g)級粒子的質量,其驚人的測量底限比目前最好的石英微天平方法高出一百萬倍。MEMS技術成為粒子分析的最新黃金標準。
美國Affinity Biosensors公司于2010年成功的將這一令人興奮的技術商品化,并命名為ARCHIMEDES—阿基米德。阿基米德嶄露頭角即同時獲得Pittcon2010唯一金獎和R&D100大獎.
develops and manufactures award-winning analytical instruments for use in research, manufacturing, and life sciences. Its flagship product, the Archimedes Particle Metrology System, was introduced in 2010, and employs resonant mass measurement for ultra-high resolution metrology of particles and cells. Archimedes won a 2010 R&D100 award and the 2010 Pittcon Gold award.