英國Applied Acoustic Engineering (AAE)
英國AAE公司EasyTrak型水下定位系統應用了當前最為先進的水下聲定位技術,系統穩定可靠,定位精度高,結構輕巧,操作方便,廣泛應用于各類海洋水下定位項目:潛水員跟蹤定位、海上搜救任務、水下考古、海洋水文儀器回收、拖魚跟蹤定位、定點布放、聲學釋放器布放和回收、AUV/ROV 跟蹤定位和大壩監測等。
Applied Acoustic Engineering is a leading company in the design and manufacture of a wide range of subsea navigation and positioning products, and marine seismic survey equipment.
The extensive product range includes the innovative USBL tracking system, Easytrak, a variety of positioning and release beacons and seismic devices for offshore geotechnical and seabed analysis known as sub-bottom profiling.
All products use acoustics, underwater sound waves, in location, positioning, navigation and data acquisition applications.