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Hyperion Catalysis
Hyperion Catalysis Hyperion Catalysis

美國Hyperion Catalysis International?
Hyperion總部位于美國馬薩諸塞州的劍橋鎮,自1983年以來開始生產和銷售應用廣泛的FIBRILTM納米管。Hyperio的旗艦FIBRIL? 技術是具有導電性的多壁碳納米管。該技術是在Howard G. Tennent博士開創的基礎上得以發展。
Hyperion Catalysis碳納米管細小、高純度多層結構具有高效導電、無色、補強等性質作為導電劑用于塑料行業,如汽車塑料油箱、塑料配件、硅晶片生產制造等的靜電防護產品以塑料母粒的形式供應
Hyperion Catalysis International:
Past, Present and Future
Founded in 1982 to develop novel forms and morphologies of carbon, Hyperion Catalysis' flagship technology is a conductive, vapor grown, multi-walled carbon nanotube. These tubes are trade named FIBRIL? nanotubes.

Since the original synthesis of carbon nanotubes in 1983, Hyperion Catalysis has devoted substantial resources to improving the technology of their manufacture and developing their use in a variety of applications. Hyperion Catalysis now supplies FIBRIL nanotubes, pre-mixed, in a range of plastics. These plastic/ nanotube composites are in commercial use in a growing number of automotive and electronics applications. The FIBRIL nanotubes are used to impart electrical conductivity to the plastic in combination with additional benefits that are related to the unique structure of the nanotubes.

Additional applications for our FIBRIL nanotubes are in development and it is expected that they will open a wide range of exciting markets. We encourage you to contact us to discuss how our nanotubes can help you design outstanding new products.

