國際遺傳學大會 HGM
(Joint Conference of HGM 2013 and 21st International Congress of Genetics )
HGM2013與第21屆遺傳學聯合會議將于2013年4月13至18日在新加坡舉行。本屆聯合大會名為“全球健康與可持續性發展的遺傳學和基因組學 ” ,并由國際人類基因組組織 - HUGO(主席:Edison Liu教授)和國際遺傳學聯盟 – IGF(主席:Alfred Nordheim教授)聯手承辦。這次的大會預計將吸引來自世界各地約2500-3000名參與者及超過60名國際演講嘉賓。鼓勵參會代表利用本屆大會作為交匯點,組建學術興趣團隊進行全球磋商。
Human Genome Meeting (HGM) is the key annual conference organised by the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO). Initially structured as a dedicated meeting for Human Genome Mapping, the HGM has evolved into a major scientific conference for human genetics & genomics, genomic medicine, and genomic biology. The HGM is also an excellent platform for industry partners and bio-technology companies as well as pharmaceutical giants. The HGM is optimally sized to provide scientific depth and breadth, and also close interaction amongst the delegates. Because HUGO is not locked in any specific continent or focused on any single country, our HGM conferences take place in a wide range of host countries across Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East. Therefore, the HGM is the truly global genomics conference.