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Chopin Chopin

法國肖邦技術公司Chopin Technologies,是全球處于領先地位的專業研發與生產谷物、面粉及其加工產品的品質檢測設備生產企業,隸屬KPM分析集團。


     早在30多年以前,肖邦技術公司的谷物檢測設備就已經進入中國。肖邦的著名產品,如吹泡儀AlevoPC和全自動吹泡儀AlveoLAB,混合試驗儀Mixolab2,近紅外分析儀Infraneo,損傷淀粉儀SDmatic,降落數值儀Amylab,實驗磨粉機CD1,全自動實驗磨粉機,流變發酵儀Rheofermentometer F4,全自動除雜清理機Quatuor,全自動收糧系統GESTER源源不斷地在全國各地的諸多用戶使用。肖邦為中國的糧食產業應用世界領先的檢測技術做出有目共睹的貢獻,為廣大中國客戶帶來可觀的經濟效益和技術進步。


CHOPIN TECHNOLOGIES, a Tripette & Renaud subsidiary, was created by the grouping of three entities historically focused on qualitative tests on cereals and their derivatives :

The "laboratory device" branch of Tripette & Renaud (itself founded in 1836 to work on grain) specialized in producing cereal testing devices since 1970,
Chopin SA founded in 1950 by Mr Marcel Chopin, inventor of the Alveograph, whose production would be exclusively linked to flour testing.
Serdia SARL, created in the 1960s, manufacturer of silothermometry devices designed to manage temperatures in stored cereals and sampling probes.

These three entities, already part of the Tripette & Renaud group for over twenty years, were legally united as a single company, “Tripette & Renaud Chopin" in 2003, with the company adopting the name of CHOPIN TECHNOLOGIES as of April 2006.
