菲爾創納多孔技術,Filtrona Porous Technologies,
菲爾創納多孔技術在全球范圍內生產產品并將產品提供給56個以上國家,是使用粘合纖維、聚氨酯泡棉和多孔塑料技術制造定制化流體處理組件的開發商和制造商。該公司的組件代表著需要吸收、過濾、遷移、通風或液體和蒸汽控制釋放的醫療、消費和工業應用使用的領先技術。該公司是菲爾創納集團旗下子公司,總部位于美國弗吉尼亞州里士滿。該公司在美國弗吉尼亞州里士滿、密歇根州圣查爾斯和馬薩諸塞州 Westover、德國賴恩貝克、中國寧波和韓國唐津設有工廠。
Producing globally and delivering to over 56 countries, Filtrona Porous Technologies is a developer and manufacturer of custom fluid handling components engineered from bonded fiber, polyurethane foam, and porous plastic technologies. Its components represent leading technology used in healthcare, consumer, and industrial applications that require the absorption, filtration, transfer, venting, or controlled release of liquids and vapors. Filtrona Porous Technologies is a division of Filtrona plc and is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, USA, with manufacturing locations in Richmond, Virginia, St. Charles, Michigan, and Westover, Massachusetts, USA; Reinbek, Germany; Ningbo, China; and Dangjin, South Korea.