,Echo Therapeutics,
成立于1989年,總部設于美國費城,主要研發非侵入性無線透皮式動態血糖監測系統(CGM),包括無針型Symphony CGM System以及用于透皮給藥的Prelude SkinPrep System。CGM是一種會發出微小電脈到皮膚,用感應器檢測出血糖通過毛細血管的擴散,使血糖讀數發送到無線手持儀器之產品。產品主要應用于醫院中糖尿病人之臨床的設置。
Echo Therapeutics is developing the Symphony CGM System as a non-invasive, wireless, continuous glucose monitoring system. Our target is patients who could benefit from glucose monitoring in the hospital setting, including critical care. Significant opportunity also exists for patients with diabetes to use Symphony in the outpatient setting. Echo is also developing its needle-free skin preparation component of Symphony, the Prelude? SkinPrep System, as a platform technology to enhance drug delivery of topical pharmaceuticals.