

熱門詞: 進口電動溫度調節閥結構圖|進口電動溫度調節閥數據表進口電動高溫調節閥-德國進口電動高溫法蘭調節閥進口電動蒸汽調節閥-德國進口電動蒸汽調節閥

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東南科儀 東南科儀

東南科儀 Sinoinstruments 
東南科儀專業提供從基礎型到專業化的原裝進口實驗室和工業檢測儀器。十多年來堅持服務于國內分析領域,為各級實驗室提供世界一流品質的檢測儀器,并以專業、全面的技術支持和售后服務贏得了良好聲譽,是國內極具實力的實驗室基礎儀器集成供應商,擁有廣泛而穩固的客戶群體和分銷網絡。目前, 東南科儀總部設在廣州,并在北京、上海、成都、西安和杭州設有子公司和辦事處,業務覆蓋全國。
東南科儀創建于1992年。自創建伊始,即致力于向中國引進世界最先進的檢測儀器。目前擁有十多個歐、美、日頂級品牌的總代理及一級代理權,產品資源豐富,種類齊全。品牌包括有ATAGO, ALP, Lovibond, Binder, Brookfield, Thermconcept ,NICHIRYO, YSI, Sartorius, X-rite, IKA, Millipore, coleparmer等,產品涵蓋計量儀器、實驗室通用儀器、化學分析、物性測試、生化測試等,如折光儀、旋光儀、電子天平、熔點儀、水分儀、粘度計、高壓滅菌器、移液系統、試驗箱、高溫爐、酸度計、色差計、純水系統、酶標儀、 洗板機及接觸角測定、張力儀等,涉及從化工、制藥、日化、食品、涂料、建材、電子、汽車到農業、商檢、質檢、衛生防疫以及高校、研究單位等各行各業的各級實驗室。 東南科儀,十多年來穩步發展,成長為一個充滿了活力和創新精神同時又團結穩固的團隊,形成了庫存豐富、供貨快捷、價格合理、服務優異的東南特色。我們擁有充滿活力的高質素的銷售團隊、具有豐富儀器技術和應用知識的技術支持團隊和技術全面、經驗豐富的售后服務團隊。結合西方先進的產品和技術及東方人的勤勉和熱忱,營造富于特色的東南文化,這是東南科儀成功創業和持續發展的基礎,我們的信心之所在,也是贏得業內人士和廣大客戶廣泛認可之所在。在此,謹對多年以來給予東南科儀充分支持和信賴的各位客戶表示衷心的感謝! 東南科儀貫徹始終的服務宗旨:把世界最先進的儀器介紹到中國,將中國最專業化的服務提供給用戶。基于創立品牌和可持續發展的戰略,東南科儀愿與業內同行和廣大用戶一起成長,依托我們在產品資源和技術服務方面的突出優勢,也使眾多的客戶在新技術、新方法、新儀器的應用中受益

Established on November 1992, Sinoinstruments Co. Ltd (the Southeast China Scientific Equipment & Service Corporation) is a distributor of scientific instruments and laboratory facilities. With our highly experienced engineers and sales teams in the area of instrument delivery and service, Sinoinstruments has an international reputation of service and excellence to our customers. We are one of the most well-known companies in the Chinese scientific hardware Markey and beyond. Our company headquarters are centered in Guangzhou, a Branch Corporation in Beijing, and there offices in Shanghai, Chengdu,hangzhou and Xian.
Sinoinstruments plays an important role as a bridge between the manufacturers and end-users by introducing top-ranged laboratory equipment to the high growth China market. With our strength in technology and expertise in laboratory equipment, we continually strive to supply superior hardware and software to the user. We provide our customers with a wide range of services including: project consultation, research advising, installation and after-sales service. Sinoinstruments has partnered with other well-known brands of laboratory equipment and manufacturers based in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Brands under current distribution include: ATAGO, ALP, Lovibond, Binder, Brookfield, Thermconcept ,NICHIRYO, YSI, Sartorius, X-rite, IKA, Millipore, coleparmer etc. Sinoinstruments is looking forward to expanding its sales network in China by developing professional business partnerships with clients.
As a well-known and specialized scientific equipment distributor, our sales team and distribution network are spread all over China. We have established strong relationships with our customers, and continuously seeking new and potential customers.
