日本Chiome Bioscience
Chiome公司,擅長于抗體技術,稱其技術平臺具有"加速藥物發現及推進醫藥開發"的潛能。該公司的"自主多元化文庫(Autonomously Diversifying Library,ADLib)"系統,能夠快速地產生抗體,在實驗室環境下僅需短短10天時間。
Chiome is a Japan-based biotech company specialized in antibody and technology development. It has developed an innovative and unique platform technology, ADLib?system, to which right Chiome co-owns with RIKEN Institute. Since 2008, it has been engaged in joint research and the generation of antibodies with a number of leading domestic and multinational pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies. Chiome offers ADLib?system to partners under a non-exclusive license to maximize the value of the technology. By leveraging this proprietary technology Chiome Bioscience believes it can make great contributions to pharmaceutical development.