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Controlab Controlab

法國CONTROLAB公司成立于1979年,經過三十年的發展,已成為法國土木工程領域室內實驗室儀器的領導者,也是機械工程相關領域的重要參與者,產品涉及巖土、集料、混凝土、水泥、瀝青等試驗設備。CONTROLAB的客戶包括大學及科研機構的實驗室、工程公司、技術咨詢公司等,客戶遍布法國、歐洲、非洲、北美及加拿大,目前CONTROLAB在法國和全球其他地區已實現每年千萬歐元的營業額。圍繞高質量的室內實驗室設備,CONTROLAB向客戶提供包括技術分析、安裝、調試、預防性養護、售后服務及校準的全套服務。CONTROLAB高質量的儀器和優質的服務在業界贏得廣泛贊譽,2004年CONTROLAB成功通過ISO 9001:2000質量體系認證。


Since its creation in 1979, CONTROLAB is a leader today, in France, on the market of the laboratory equipments for the Civil Engineering (aggregates, cements, concretes, rocks, coated,…) and major actor on those of Mechanical Engineering.

CONTROLAB carries out a sales turnover of almost 10 million euros in France and to the International one.

Its clients are:

companies of engineering,
companies of expertise,
laboratories of teaching,
research laboratories,
laboratories of control (private or public).
With its quality products, CONTROLAB proposes a total service of technical studies, installation, formation, preventive maintenance, after-sales service and metrology. This service is become possible thanks to a creative team engineers, the commercial ones, the technical-commercial ones, technicians, assistants punctually supplemented by teachers and researchers aggregate.

The recognition of the quality of the services was rewarded in April 2004 by certification ISO 9001:2000.

For two years, the company has made new great strides:

thanks to an important internal reorganization,
thanks to the resumption of the activities of companies PERRIER-LABOTEST and INTERCO-EUROMATEST.
CONTROLAB wants to continue its development by strengthening its foothold in France and North Africa, but also by spreading out its commercial network to the East European countries as well as those the Mediterranean rim and in Western Africa.
