加拿大C-Therm Technologies
C-Therm是來自加拿大的專業設備制造公司, 為工業制造, 研究單位,質量控制機構提供高性能的感應器產品。 該公司隸屬Catmill 集團, 年銷售額6500萬美金, 擁有150名員工。 該公司的TCI 和 ESP 產品系列在2007年被評為全球前100名科研成果獎。
TCI 感應器能夠在生產流程中對不同材質的產品提供即時,準確的材質測試結果。 從而大大提高質量控制能力, 并有效縮短調研周期。 通過熱傳感技術, 該感應器同時避免了在檢測過程中對樣品的破壞, 即而實現在生產流程在線測試。
Avery (艾利) Whirlpool (惠爾浦)
GE (通用電器) Kodak (柯達)
Pioneer (先鋒) Hewlett Packard (惠普)
Exxon Mobil (美孚石油)
ESP 產品主要針對提高制藥設備對藥劑混合提供即時的跟蹤數據。該產品為美國食品藥物監督委員會(FDA)認可的產品,并已經為世界各大知名藥廠,粉劑混合設備制造商提供配套服務。 通過使用該產品能夠有效降低片劑藥品的次品,廢品率。
Wyeth (惠氏)
Astra Zeneca (阿斯利康醫藥)
Bristol-Myers Squibb (中美上海施貴寶制藥)
USP (美國藥典)
Established in 2007, C-Therm Technologies provides sensor solutions for R&D, manufacturing and quality control environments, offering the latest in rapid, non-destructive thermal analysis instrumentation. The company was launched with the acquisition of the assets of Mathis Instruments and is privately held within the Cartmill Group of Companies.
C-Therm Technologies sensor systems offer thermal analysis of the following material properties:
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Effusivity
Thermal Inertia
And can test for material:
Consistency Homogeneity
The technology, which represents a paradigm shift in thermal conductivity measurement, earned the inventor the top award for innovation in Canada (Manning Award). The technology has also won numerous other awards including the R&D 100 award. This coveted international distinction is given to the top 100 innovations worldwide, and puts the sensor technology in the distinguished company of other winners, including the ATM, Polaroid film, and anti-lock brakes.
Platform Technology with Broad Application
C-Therm customizable sensor technology has broad application for homogeneity testing and online quality control in a wide range of industries. It is in use in many of the following markets:
Pharmaceutical Automotive
Ceramics Aerospace
Cosmetics Food
Electronics Textiles
Petroleum Plastics
Tire & Rubber Packaging
Insulation Paint