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意大利BTS Bioengineering
意大利 BTS 公司成立于 1986 年,衍生于意大利位于米蘭的工業研究生物工程中心,早期的目標主要在為神經方面發生問題的病患,研發出創新的運動偵測技術,迄今在全世界的 40 個國家中,已于超過 340 位客戶共同合作,每年都有為數過萬的病患以 BTS 步態和運動分析系統進行臨床的評估,獲得生物力學和神經肌肉參數結合的定量分析數據。
Smart D 三維高頻運動分析擷取系統(motion capture)可進行骨科(成人或小兒)、康復醫療的下肢步態或是上肢動作控制的評估與體育動作改善的依據,目前已經是公認極具效果的評估工具,搭配 BTS 肌電訊號擷取設備(Electromyography, EMG)以及多軸測力臺(Forceplate)所建構的運動分析綜合評估系統,更可以提供肌肉活動以及推算關節中心合力及合力矩之詳細訊息。 目前對于病患步態的康復分析還未有效的進行評估,BTS 系統可以對病患的運動康復方面提供完整的臨床報告評估,并可詳細的顯示病患康復階段的狀況,從而幫助醫生了解評估并為病患制定更準確康復計劃。此系統已廣泛使用于康復效益評估及手術前后效益評估(如上)。醫學領域中,在骨科、康復、矯形外科,神經病學和運動學的應用上,是一個能夠提供臨床診斷報告的完整醫學設備,能夠“量化”的評價病患在運動的相關數據,可協助醫生們對病患采取最佳對策 而就體育動作改善而言,運動員在運動過程中易因為運動姿勢不當造成運動傷害或運動成績的下降。利用運動分析綜合評估系統可以對運動員運動的姿勢以及運動的舒適度進行矯正,不僅可以避免運動時由于姿勢不當所帶來的傷害、而且可以通過評估來提高運動員的運動成績。
BTS Spa was founded in 1986 as a spin-off of the Bioengineering Centre of the Fondazione Don Gnocchi and of the Polytechnic of Milan.
The objective of the start-up was the industrial exploitation of innovative methods for the analysis of movement developed by researchers of the Bioengineering Centre.
In 1999 the company was bought by TC Sistema Spa.
In 2004 the company was acquired by 12 employees and 3 external entrepreneurs with a management buy-out operation.
Currently BTS is a world leader in the technologies of movement analysis.

BTS in numbers
Over 340 customers in 40 countries
28 employees – including 21 engineers
11 employees in research and development
2 offices: Milan and Padua

To become the industrial reference for movement analysis technologies and applications in the clinical world.


To proactively contribute to customers' activities by providing them with ideas, consultancy, technologies, solutions and services.
To establish lasting relationships with users based on quality and responsibility.
To contribute to market development by constantly researching and developing new technologies with worldwide partnerships with the most important international centres of expertise.
To promote the development of knowledge of movement analysis applications by facilitating contacts and relationships between the specialists and the operators of this field.
BTS produces innovative scientific instrumentation for movement analysis.
These systems support the activities of physicians, engineers and researchers that require accurate and objective information relevant to their work.
BTS solutions:

Integrated systems for clinical movement analysis
Systems for acquisition and processing of electromyographic signals
Dynamic systems for posture analysis
Optoelectronic systems for breathing measurement
Systems for control of vegetative states
BTS for medicine
Hospitals, Treatment Centres and Rehabilitation Clinics use BTS movement analysis systems to evaluate the best cures for movement dysfunctions and the real efficacy of rehabilitation treatments. Medical personnel obtain by quick, accurate and non invasive means a detailed quantitative analysis complete with the biomechanical and myoneural parameters of the patient. BTS's movement analysis systems currently support the clinical treatment of over 10,000 patients per year.

BTS for research
The most prestigious scientific and university institutes use BTS systems for research in the fields of biomechanics, biometrics, diagnostics and motor sciences. BTS technology has been used in the most important space programs, and BTS systems have been installed on the Spacelab and MIR stations. NASA, ESA and CNRS use BTS systems in the parabolic flight programs and for a series of experiments of the International Space Station Program.

BTS for sport
BTS systems are used by several sports medicine organizations with the specific objective of maximizing the performance of athletes, preventing injury and improving the effectiveness of post-traumatic rehabilitation. Systems are also used by prestigious soccer clubs such as AC Milan and Real Madrid FC for routine evaluations of players.
