德國Bioni CS GmbH
Bioni CS 有限公司 - 前沿科技基礎上的智能涂層
Bioni CS 有限公司坐落于享有 “德國魯爾工業區搖籃”之稱的奧伯豪森,核心業務是開發、生產、銷售能為各種建筑物的墻壁、外表、屋頂增效的多功能涂料和涂層。我們生產智能涂層來滿足高標準的質量,給我們的專業用戶所做的東西帶來真正的價值,使他們從中獲利。為達到這些目的,我們與頂尖的科研院校緊密合作,共同開發新產品。每一個科研項目都是根據市場需要來進行的,比如建筑物內部霉菌的生成或者藻類在建筑物表面的生長。基于納米技術的最新科學發現,我們與弗勞恩霍夫化學技術研究所的研究人員一起開發出了一種有效的納米填充劑復合物,該復合物用在涂層內部和表面時可以永久性防止細菌、霉菌和藻類的形成,并能消滅99.6 - 99.99% 的抗藥性細菌。這些極具價值的新涂層既不會對居住者的健康帶來不利影響也不會對環境造成威脅。
Bioni 內層納米涂層可永久性防霉,有效消滅細菌和微生物,不污染室內空氣(經TüV 認證),改善室內衛生,水蒸氣可滲透,不易燃,具有優異的抗濕磨損性能,環境友好,對健康無害。Bioni 外層納米涂層具有最佳濕度和規定性能,能減少建筑物上的熱負載,永久保護建筑物表面,
Bioni CS GmbH - Intelligent Coatings Based on Leading Edge Technology
Based in Oberhausen in Germany, Bioni CS GmbH is a company located in what is known as
the cradle of the industrial Ruhr region. Bioni?s core business is the development, production
and marketing of multifunctional paints and coatings to enhance the walls, facades and roofs
of all manner of buildings. We produce intelligent coatings meeting the highest standards of
quality, adding real value to what our professional users do and benefiting our customers.
To achieve these targets we work in close cooperation with leading scientific institutes on
developing new products. The starting point for every research project is a need found in
the marketplace, for example the formation of mould and mildew inside buildings, or the
growth of algae on facades. Based upon the latest scientific findings in nanotechnology and
together with the researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology, we have
developed an effective nano-filler combination, which when used in both interior and facade
paints, permanently prevents the formation of bacteria, mould, mildew and algae and destroys
antibiotic-resistant hospital-germs by 99.6 - 99.99%. These invaluable new coating properties
neither negatively affect the health of the residents nor pose a threat to the environment.
Coatings Possessing Nano-Functionality
Bioni Interior Nano-Coatings permanently prevent the formation of mould and mildew,
effectively destroy germs and bacteria, do not contaminate the air in the room (TüV
Certified), improve the level of hygiene in the room, are permeable to water vapour, nonflammable,
have an excellent wet abrasion resistance, are environmentally friendly and pose
no risks to health.
Bioni Exterior Nano-Coatings have optimal moisture and regulation properties, reduce the
thermal load on the building, protect the facade permanently, permanently prevent the growth
of algae, have a variable permeability to water vapour, repel water excellently, bridge cracks,
are flame retardant and are highly resistant to UV, weather and airborne contaminants.
Both in Germany and abroad our customers and partners include prestigious property
developers, consultants and companies of architects, craftsmen, project management firms,
construction companies, building materials trade, hospitals, town and city councils, private