博適公司(Biosite? Incorporated)于1988年3月成立在美國特拉華州(Delaware) ,后其總部遷往加利弗尼亞州(California)圣地亞哥(San Diego)市。Beckman 16億收購Biosite
從成立之初,博適公司即明確了以“技術創新”為核心的發展模式。經過近20年的高速發展,博適公司已成為當今世界上“床旁快速診斷設備(POCT)”和“蛋白質抗體免疫技術”的著名供應商。在過去的10年中,博適公司先后推出了藥物濫用檢測、心臟生化標志物檢測、敗血癥檢測、腦梗塞檢測和細菌及寄生蟲疾病檢測等數十個產品系列,涉及臨床醫學、檢驗醫學、急癥醫學、衛生防疫等眾多領域。博適公司的以“技術創新”為核心的發展理念是與其自始至終對新產品研究開發予以的高度重視息息相關的。公司在創立初期便組建了自己的研發隊伍,隨后在1999年成立了一個以新產品研發為核心的獨立子公司,即如今的Biosite? Discovery。作為博適公司的新產品研發機構,Biosite? Discovery通過和諸如杜克大學、美國心臟病協會、禮來公司、貝克曼公司等世界頂尖的學校,科研機構及商業公司的廣泛長期的合作而一躍已成為當今全美頂級的診斷性生化標志物研發機構。依托來自于世界各地的杰出的生物技術研發人員,通過獨立的專利申請或行業間的橫向協作,Biosite? Discovery在蛋白質疾病研究領域進行了史無前例的深入研究,其掌握的70余項專利技術正在世界范圍內廣泛應用。其快速便攜式Triage? MeterPlus檢測系統的成功推廣更是如今“一個平臺,多種用途”的主流設計理念的典范之作。
博適公司連續5年的高速增長主要得益于其旗艦產品Triage? BNP檢測在世界范圍的成功推廣。盡管自2002年11月以來,先后有瑞士羅氏(Roche),德國拜爾(Bayer),Axis-Shield Plc公司,Abbott實驗室等推出各自的BNP檢測,但博適公司Triage? BNP檢測被《新英格蘭醫學》雜志認為此領域內的技術“金標準”。它同時也是目前少數幾個被美國FDA認證的BNP測試方法之一。在美國,約6000余家醫院正在使用Triage? BNP檢測,一半以上的醫院把Triage? BNP檢測作為心臟衰竭和心肌梗塞的常規診斷手段;國際上,博適公司在法國、德國、比利時、英國等國家建立了銷售部,其代理銷售網絡已延及歐洲,非洲,拉美及亞洲太平洋地區,并在歐洲擁有近1000家醫院的成功應用經驗。
據2004年美國的相關統計博適Triage? BNP檢測占據美國同類產品市場份額的85%,世界市場份額的50%。
Biosite? Incorporated is a leading provider of rapid diagnostics products and antibody development technologies. Through its integrated discovery and diagnostics businesses, Biosite seeks to develop diagnostic solutions that improve clinical and economic outcomes for acute diseases. Biosite's Triage? products are used in 50 percent of U.S. hospitals and in 50 international markets.
Diagnosis is one of the most critical links in medicine today. Timely, accurate diagnosis can mean the difference between patient admission and discharge, between relief of symptoms and prolonged suffering, between early intervention and missed therapeutic opportunities and, in the gravest instances, between life and death.
Striving for sustained growth, we have adopted a strategy that encompasses the diagnostic continuum from protein validation to point-of-care diagnostics. Through combined expertise in diagnostic discovery and commercialization we are able to select large market opportunities, access potential markers of disease, identify proteins with high diagnostic utility, apply validated disease markers to advanced testing platforms, bring products to market, and educate physicians and other clinicians on new approaches to diagnosis, thereby benefiting patients. Underlying strengths that enable us to carry out this strategy include:
Expertise in rapid, high-capacity antibody development, enabling high throughput screening of potential diagnostic markers and cost-efficient development of high affinity antibodies for use in commercialized products
Extensive knowledge of analyte cloning and synthesis, signaling chemistry and microcapillary fluidics, which has contributed to the successful invention of proprietary testing platforms
Track record for successfully moving novel diagnostics through the development pipeline and obtaining United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) clearance or approval; and
Extensive professional interaction and collaboration with customers, clinical researchers and the medical community.
Better healthcare outcomes begin with better diagnosis. Better diagnosis begins with Biosite.