基因組生物學技術進展年會 Advances in Genome Biology and Technology AGBT
2013 AGBT Meeting
The 14th annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting will be held in Marco Island, Florida, on February 20-23, 2013. Now productively entrenched within the genomics research community, this annual meeting is the most rigorous scientific forum for acquiring information about the latest advances in DNA sequencing technologies and their myriad applications. Following a well-established routine, the meeting will have daytime plenary sessions that feature keynote speakers, additional invited presenters, and abstract-selected talks. These sessions will highlight cutting-edge research across the expanding landscape of genomics research. Experimental and computational approaches for effectively utilizing the latest DNA sequencing technologies will be presented during evening concurrent sessions.
The 2013 meeting will see an increased emphasis on clinical applications of genome sequencing. We especially encourage scientists who are currently active in the clinical diagnostics field to register for the meeting and to submit abstracts. Our plenary sessions will include speakers with expertise in applying next-generation sequencing in the clinical setting.
Please plan to join us in Marco Island for the 2013 AGBT meeting, where the relaxed atmosphere and outstanding science will again provide an exceptional opportunity to meet and interact with scientific leaders from the various disciplines being advanced by large-scale DNA sequencing and genome exploration.
The organizing committee for the 2013 AGBT meeting includes Eric Green (NHGRI/NIH), Elaine Mardis (Washington University School of Medicine), Deanna Church (NCBI/NIH), Ken Dewar (McGill University and Génome Québec Innovation Centre), George Grills (Cornell University), Andre Marziali (University of British Columbia), John McPherson (Ontario Institute for Cancer Research), Len Pennacchio (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Sharon Plon (Baylor College of Medicine), Heidi Rehm (Partners Healthcare Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine), Mike Zody (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard).