全球結核病疫苗基金會 Aeras
是一家非盈利性產品研發機構,致力于開發有效的結核病疫苗和生物制劑,以可負擔和可持續的方式用于各年齡群體結核病的預防。Aeras 運用其廣泛的能力和技術與眾多合作者及利益相關方共同支持疫苗和其他生物藥劑的開發,以解決資源缺乏人群在結核病及其他重大公共健康問題方面的需求。Aeras 至今已發明或支持了6種結核病候選疫苗的開發,其中5種正在非洲、亞洲和北美進行 I 期和 II 期臨床實驗。Aeras 獲得了比爾與美琳達-蓋茨基金會 (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)、其他私人基金和多個政府部門的資助。該公司總部設在美國馬里蘭州 Rockville,擁有先進的生產和實驗設施,在南非的開普敦設有分部。
Aeras is a non-profit product development organization dedicated to the development of effective tuberculosis (TB) vaccines and biologics to prevent TB across all age groups in an affordable and sustainable manner. Aeras utilizes its broad capabilities and technologies in collaboration with numerous partners and stakeholders to support the development of vaccines and other biopharmaceuticals to address TB and other significant public health needs of underserved populations.
In the pursuit of our Mission, we are guided by our Core Values. These Core Values express our aspirations and the behaviors we want to exhibit and model. They shape the culture and character of Aeras and inform all of our decisions and actions.
Excellence: We are committed to high-quality results that make a positive impact in keeping with our Mission.
Leadership: We promote an environment that fosters empowerment, taking initiative and leading by example.
Collaboration: We value teamwork, knowledge sharing and working in partnerships—internal and external—to achieve common goals.
Respect: We recognize the dignity of each individual and value the contributions, opinions and expertise of all members of our organization and larger community.
Integrity: We maintain the highest ethical standards and transparency in our work and in our dealings with partners, stakeholders and our fellow employees.