臺灣冠亞生技股份有限公司 A-Spine Holding Group
冠亞生技股份有限公司(A-Spine Asia Co., Ltd.)于2001年成立,專職于脊椎相關產品之研發、設計、生產及銷售。主要產品為脊椎固定器、手術器械及骨科醫療器材之相關產品。本公司所研發之產品,皆為創新理念、領先同業、具產品競爭力,足與國際大廠相抗衡。未來公司仍將秉持一貫永續經營之理念與發展專利技術產品之政策,密切與各教學醫院骨科及神經外科醫生合作,藉由持續不斷的改良,以期研發出最佳療效且具國際競爭力之產品,回饋國人,造福人群。
A-Spine Holding Group Corp. (ASH) is a global medical device company that researches and develops spinal orthopedic implant products. Our products are distributed through our partners globally either with our own brand or in partner’s brand.
We hold ourselves to the highest standards whether in research, innovation, intellectual property management, or product development. Our mission is to benefit more patients by improving the materials and quality of medical treatment that directly affect them.
We believe in building a strong foundation for our company future; to that end, we continue to keep diligence, sincerity, aggressiveness and innovation as our core tenants. Our wholly owned subsidiaries continue to respond to the ever-changing needs of our partners worldwide and continue the fulfillment of our goal of becoming the most innovative developer in the spinal implant market.