AXO DRESDEN 有限公司是設計應用X 射線光學器件和高精度沉積設備的公司。該公司從德國弗勞恩霍夫材料和光束技術研究所(Fraunhofer Institute Material and Beam Technology Dresden- IWS) 分離出來,由原研究所部分職員組建而成。這部分職員與弗勞恩霍夫協會共同持有該公
我們的產品包括產生聚焦單色X 射線束的獨立X 射線光學器件和綜合性X 射線光學系統、定制的沉積設備和X 射線反射/ 折射應用產品。該公司還提供各種平面、曲面X 射線光學器件,它們在波長、結構和聚焦幾何尺寸方面均可以和最常見的X 射線源配合使用。AXO DRESDEN 公司正致力于開發和應用各種高精度沉積技術來生產納米單層和達次納米級精度的納米多層。
為了向客戶提供優化、優質的解決方案,該公司正在與弗勞恩霍夫材料和光束技術研究所、其它弗勞恩霍夫研究所、德雷斯頓工業大學以及其它國內和國際研究機構開展緊密的合作。我們在高精度沉積設備領域的十年經驗和對X 射線光學器件的設計、開發和應用,使我們能夠在X 射線光學器件和高精度沉積設備領域為客戶提供有效的、隨身定制的解決方案。
AXO DRESDEN GmbH - Applied X-ray Optics and High Precision Deposition - stands for
the development and production of high quality single multilayer X-ray optics and complex
X-ray optical systems for a wide field of applications both in the hard X-ray and in the soft
X-ray regime.
AXO DRESDEN has installed flexible and efficient technologies to provide our worldwide
customers in the fields of X-ray analysis, lithography, astronomy, spectroscopy and medicine
with serial products for industrial manufactures of X-ray instrumentation and analytical
equipment and with single solutions for research and industries.
Our production program contains both single multilayer X-ray optics and complex X-ray
optical systems to generate high intensive 1- and 2- dimensional collimated or focussed
monochromatic X-ray beams, monochromators on flat and curved substrates, special
customized depositions and applications in X-ray reflectometry, X-ray diffraction and X-ray
fluorescence analysis.
To produce nanometer thin films and multilayers showing sub-nanometer precision across
large substrates up to 500mm in length or 200mm in diameter, AXO DRESDEN is applying
and developing different complementary high precision deposition techniques like magnetron
and ion beam sputtering and pulse laser deposition.
As a Spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute Material and Beam Technology (IWS) Dresden,
Germany, AXO DRESDEN is an independent supplier of X-ray optics and represents more
than 15-years experience in the fields of high precision deposition and design, development
and application of multilayer X-ray optics. To guaranty our customers high quality solutions
and innovative products also in the future we are working in close collaboration with the
Fraunhofer IWS, other Fraunhofer Institutes, the University of Technology Dresden and with
several national and international research institutions to ensure our position as a leading
supplier for multilayer X-ray optics and high precision deposition.