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Applied Spectral Imaging
Applied Spectral Imaging Applied Spectral Imaging

以色列實用光譜影像公司 Applied Spectral Imaging (ASI)   
ASI染色體核型分析系統 實用光譜影像公司(ASI)成立于1993年,發展了一個著名的圖像工藝平臺(SPECTRACUBE),可以分辨那些在表面上一樣的材料。 1997年,鑒于ASI的spectra cube在遺傳基因學領域的臨床和科研上的成功的商業運作,并在該領域取得了革命性成就, ASI被授予歐洲信息技術商標獎的榮譽。 ASI在研究發展和制造產品的可靠性,被國際標準品質組織 (FAD,CE,ISO9000-3) 所認可。
SKY(光譜染色體核型分析系統 – Spectral Karyotyping)技術已經成為超過200家的科學雜志的研究工具,其中包括一系列高水平的學術刊物,比如:Science,Nature,The Lancet 等等。
ASI ( Applied Spectral Imaging ) 來自以色列, 具有獨家專利的 Spectral Imaging ( 頻譜影像 ) 技術, 能有效分辨出每一圖像像素 ( Pixel ) 的光譜 ( Spectrum ), 所以能解決多重熒光影像最困擾的雜染重迭噪聲 ( Cross-Talk ), 應用于染色體核型比對, 即是目前全世界公認最有效的染色體頻譜比對技術 – Spectral Karyotyping ( SKY ), 能簡單且成功的分辨出染色體異位, 取代目前所有市面上 “ 濾鏡切換式 “ 的比對儀.
※ 實驗數據管理器 ( Case Data Manager ) 對圖像數據庫具有強有力的的檔案備份和探索搜尋能力
※ BandView的細胞核組型系統提供您自動比對G / R / Q / DAPI染色
※ FishView可以獲取和分析FISH系統地信息
※ CGHView具有良好的解決CGH系統的能力
※ SpectraView的整體光譜圖像系統對病理和細胞生物應用領域進行有力的多色分析

以色列ASI公司染色體分析軟件,包括:CASE DATA MANAGER 數據庫軟件,BANDVIEW 染色體核型分析軟件,FISHVIEW 熒光原位分析軟件,SKYVIEW 光譜核型分析系統,CGH比較基因組雜交軟件,為染色體分析提供完整的解決方案,是遺傳實驗室的最完整軟件。

染色體核型分析軟件 BandView 

染色體核型分析軟件, 優質圖像和快速靈活的軟件,使染色體中期的觀察和染色體排序的整個工作簡化。
BandView 配合 ASI 公司出品的功能強大的 Case Data Manager 軟件,大大簡化了染色體的分拆,生成報告和管理所有案例數據。作為 ASI 公司產品的一部分,整個系統可在原有的軟硬件基礎上升級到SKY,FISH,CGH和自動掃描等系統。

 APPLIED SPECTRAL IMAGING Ltd. (ASI) is a leading provider of
cytogenetics systems to prestigious clinical and research labs
all over the world. Its CytoLabView suite offers a complete
solution for all imaging needs in the lab and includes
applications for karyotyping, FISH, CGH, multi-color karyotyping
and general spectral imaging.
The Company will continue to develop products to expand its
competitive offerings in the market to include its new automatic
scanning platform, ScanView. ScanView is created on an open and
modular platform on which common hardware allows the use of
different software modules for a variety of applications in
genetics, hematology, pathology and much more.

Applied Spectral Imaging LTD (ASI) has developed a light related
platform imaging technology called SpectraCube. Patented
worldwide, SpectraCube can distinguish between materials that
appear identical and provides qualitative and quantitative
analysis of light in the visible and NIR spectrum. In 1997, ASI
was awarded the European Information Technology Grand Prize for
successful commercialization of SpectraCube -an achievement which
revolutionized the entire fields of clinical and research

Applied Spectral Imaging, Ltd. founded in 1993, develops and
markets state-of-the-art imaging systems for the life sciences
and health care markets. The company commercialized its patented
technology for both the qualitative and quantitative analysis of
light in the visible spectrum. ASI's patented technology can
separate overlapping waveforms and light and display them in a
two-dimensional image.
ASI Ltd. is responsible for the research, development and
manufacturing of ASI's products and is compliant with
internationally recognized quality standards (FDA, CE, ISO

ASI offers a complete line of cytogenetics imaging products
called CytoLabView: which includes its FDA approved BandView
EXPO, automated karyotyping systems; FISHView EXPO, FISH imaging
systems; SKYView EXPO, spectral karyotyping; its newly released
CGHView EXPO, High-Resolution Comparative Genomic Hybridization;
Multi-Species, Multi-Species automated karytoyping.

ASI's patented technology uses interferometry and/or filters to
acquire an image in which every pixel of that image contains
information on the intensity of each wavelength of light over the
visible spectrum. These images can be of either microscopic
structures (e.g. cell organelles) or macroscopic subjects (an
entire array). ASI's SpectraCube technology is based on spectral
imaging, which combines two existing technologies, CCD-imaging
and spectrometry. CCD imaging produces a finely detailed
monochrome image of an object. Spectrometry, on the other hand,
measures the spectrum of selected areas on the object and then
displays each spectrum as a separate graph. The SpectraCube
system is made up of an interferometer, a CCD-camera, a computer,
and spectral image analysis software. The spectral imaging system
has two viewing modes: Interferometer mode and Direct View mode.

