JEOL是世界頂級科學儀器供應商,為納米技術、生命科學、光通訊、刑偵、生物工程等領域的研究和開發工作服務。憑借獨特的技術、優質的產品、周到的服務和豐富的知識,JEOL可以幫助客戶在產品開發和科學研究方面取得重大突破。JEOL的產品包括科學儀器和工業設備,主要分為五大類。 電子光學設備 分析儀器 半導體方面的設備 薄膜噴涂系統 醫學設備
JEOL is a leading global supplier of scientific instruments used for research and development in the fields of nanotechnology, life sciences, optical communication, forensics, and biotechnology. Utilizing its unique technologies, products, services, and knowledge, JEOL helps its customers make significant breakthroughs in product development and scientific research. JEOL products include scientific instrumentation and industrial equipment, based on five major product groups.
Electron Optics ,Analytical Instruments, Semiconductor Equipment ,Thin Film Coating Systems,Medical Equipment