美國英維利斯醫療診斷集團Inverness Medical Innovations Inc(IMA)
美國英維利斯醫療診斷集團 Inverness Medical Innovations (IMI)是一家在紐約證券交易所上市的世界體外快速診斷行業的領導者,總部位于美國波士頓Waltham。公司擁有世界一流的科研能力、生產基地和銷售網絡,經營家用、醫用快速且高準確度的體外診斷試劑,曾被福布斯評為世界500個最具發展潛力的上市公司之一。
IMI的生產經營范圍包括消費診斷、專業診斷、心血管疾病診斷、營養品及病人管理診斷產品五大領域。其中旗下聞名世界的子公司包括Unipath(英國原聯合利華醫療診斷部)、Biosite (美國)、BBI(英國)、IMJ(日本、Determine HIV)、Panbio (澳大利亞)等四十余家。
IMI的婦女健康及家用快速診斷產品占有世界領先地位。在美國的市場份額占有率達75%,旗下產品Clearblue?系列已成為擁有數十億美元身價的知名品牌。2006年底, IMI與美國寶潔公司(P&G) 合作,在瑞士日內瓦正式成立合資公司Swiss Precision Diagnostics(SPG),主要從事消費診斷產品在全球的研發與銷售。在心臟病和凝結診斷領域,IMI同樣擁有世界領先,獨一無二的創新產品,并在全球進行銷售。
上海英伯肯醫學生物技術有限公司Inverness Medical Shanghai Co., Ltd (IMSh)成立于2005年,是由美國英維利斯醫學診斷集團Inverness Medical Innovations (IMI)控股,與上海生物芯片有限公司共同投資組建的醫療診斷制造企業.
美艾利爾集團(Alere Inc)于2010年7月15日在得到股東大會的批準后,正式更名為此。其前身為美國英維利斯醫療診斷集團 Inverness Medical Innovations (IMI)
At Inverness Medical Innovations, Inc., we believe that people all over the world want to be involved in their own care while remaining in their homes; and that when they do so they have an improved quality of life. By providing individuals with the tools and services that enable judgments to be made at home, under medical supervision, their health either improves or the progression of an existing chronic problem is delayed. Successful home management results in fewer urgent medical interactions and a reduction in hospital visits. This improvement in outcomes also leads to a reduction in health care costs, which provides a significant incentive to all payors.
A great deal of our research and development efforts are directed towards discovering new biomarkers that will allow better management of various chronic conditions. We establish these markers in clinical practice first, amongst relevant specialists and hospital based physicians. We then bring these new markers to the attention of internists and family practitioners for general use with their patients. Finally, as acceptance and understanding of the new marker expands, we develop an easy to use test that can be performed by a patient at home under remote medical supervision. This enables individuals to make changes in their medication or lifestyle from their homes, in consultation with their doctor, leading to better health.
Our primary areas of interest are in cardiology, women’s health, infectious disease, oncology and drugs of abuse, and we see exciting opportunities to develop innovative health management programs supported by advanced diagnostic and monitoring tools which will help people involved with these conditions to better look after themselves. However, we also expect to acquire technologies and products which over time will allow expansion to new medical issues, always focused on enabling individuals to take charge of their own health at home.